Hackings by Anonymous. The hacktivist group known as Anonymous have done it again to the Westboro Baptist Church.This time, they hacked into their Facebook page and made all sorts of changes to the page, such as putting up positive images and links to many of their YouTube videos.

Feb 25, 2011 · The hackers, who said an earlier threat to hack the Kansas church was a hoax, hacked Westboro's website and posted an open letter to the church while an Anonymous member was engaged in a live Dec 16, 2012 · Westboro Baptist Church has been hacked by the hacker group "Anonymous" on Sunday, with the hackers stealing private information about many of the controversial group's members held on its server. The Anonymous hacking collective this morning defaced the Web site of the controversial Westboro Baptist Church in the middle of a live radio show that included a church spokeswoman and a member Feb 19, 2011 · Members of Westboro Baptist Church, known for protesting at funerals of fallen U.S. service men and women, might be facing a hacked website soon. The group of controversial protesters from Kansas The Westboro Baptist Church's Facebook page has not been hacked by online vigilante group Anonymous, contrary to earlier reports. Following the church's plans to picket the funerals of the Boston Feb 25, 2011 · The hackers have spoken. After a week of false statements and taunts, super-hacking group Anonymous responded to the notoriously loudmouthed Westboro Baptist Church by infiltrating its now-defunct God hates fags: assumption. Anonymous hates leeches: fact. Read larger version here. Update: “A source from Anonymous confronts Shirley Phelps-Roper from the Westboro Baptist Church, calling the supposed letter sent to Westboro by Anonymous a hoax, and then proceeds to hack the Westboro Baptist Church website during the interview.” (via TDW)

Anonymous Hacks Westboro Baptist Church web site

The Anonymous hacking collective this morning defaced the Web site of the controversial Westboro Baptist Church in the middle of a live radio show that included a church spokeswoman and a member Westboro Baptist Church Hacked by Anonymous as Group Plans Dec 16, 2012

Feb 24, 2011

Anonymous doesn't kid around and the Westboro Baptist Church learned that the hard way. The hacktivist group took down their website and left a stern message. The two groups, the radical hackers which launch denial-of-service attacks and the radical religious organization which preaches its message about God by protesting military funerals Anonymous Hacks Westboro Baptist Church web site