Jun 21, 2018 · RELATED: 10 Useful Windows Commands You Should Know. How to Use Ping. We’re going to use the Windows Command Prompt in our example here. But you can also use the ping command in Windows PowerShell, or in the Terminal app on macOS or any Linux distro. Once you get to using the actual command, it works the same everywhere. In Windows, hit

From the UbuntuBAD, it can ping other Ubuntu VMs in the 192.16.235.x subnet. Other Ubuntu VMs can ping the same Windows 7 VM - however it must be noted that each of the Ubuntu VMs have been configured individually to be as "lean" as possible. I'm highly suspicious that UbuntuBAD is lacking in some configuration, but that's my gut feeling. Mar 06, 2017 · One PC is with Windows 7 OS Second PC is with Redhat Linux 6.1 Both the PCs now stands connected to internet via this D-Link router. I could ping windows PC from Linux machine; but reverse is not working. Hence on windows I have also ensured hosts file at \Windows\system32\drivers\etc is added with IP address of Linux machine. Still, no luck. I have an Android phone and a notebook running Windows 7, both are Wi-Fi enabled. Both devices are on the same network and they can't see each other (I can't ping phone from notebook and vice versa). But, to make it more weird, let me show you my network structure. How do I enable ICMP to allow pinging of a Windows 7 Home Premium computer By john.jentzema · 9 years ago I have a small network, comprising a variety of hardware, running XP Pro, Windows Home

Just going off your question topic, I had the same issue. I could not ping W7 machines, but XP machines would reply no problem. The problem was that W7's firewall blocks ping requests by default. There needs to be a firewall allowance for echo requests: Add the following to the Windows firewall Inbound Rules:

I tried to restart the router one last time, and it went back to google.com not working. I tried ping google.com in the command line and it pinged successfully. However, I cannot connect to the site in the browser. Neither on Windows 10, nor on Mac, nor on iPhone (that's all the devices I own). Jul 26, 2020 · simple way to customized ping from any windows 7,8,or win 10. to open run to ping to check internet on laptop. I am using win server 2008 R2 on win 7 host in my vmware workstation 6.1. My networkconnection shows full connectivity and i can also ping(successful ping

Re: Unable to ping Windows 7 machine on LAN From Windows 7 machine, verify that all your Network Services are Started from Control Panel=> Performance and Maintenance=> Admin Tools=> Services: • COM+ Event System (for WZC issues) • Computer Browser • DHCP Client • DNS Client • Network

Jun 21, 2018 · RELATED: 10 Useful Windows Commands You Should Know. How to Use Ping. We’re going to use the Windows Command Prompt in our example here. But you can also use the ping command in Windows PowerShell, or in the Terminal app on macOS or any Linux distro. Once you get to using the actual command, it works the same everywhere. In Windows, hit Mar 11, 2013 · On a fresh Windows 7 install, I cannot ping an IPv6 server, I always get "Request timed out." However on Windows 8, after a while that I've booted up my PC, I can no longer ping IPv6 servers.. It just goes out randomly, but it least work sometimes on Windows 8, never on Windows 7. I have (2) Windows 7 Pro devices, one of which was reimaged just before this issue started; (1) Windows 10 Education device; (1) Linux Mint 17.3 device; and an Android 7.0 device. No matter where I initiate a ping from, including my gateway, I cannot hit any of my Windows devices. But when it comes to ping the client from the server or vice-versa, I got no luck. I've tried to temporiarly disable firewall for both server and client, but no dice. Both of the systems are running on Windows (7 on server, 10 on client). I'm using OpenVPN GUI v11.14.0.0. Here are my slimmed down versions of config files: Server: