How long does a medical facility keep your medical billing

Often swamped with paperwork, many entrepreneurs wonder how long you should keep business records. The answer depends a great deal upon whom you ask and what the record pertains to in your business. The IRS sets some basic record retention standards for tax records. Yet lawyers, accountants, banks and government agencies all seem to have Cell phone providers record what numbers were called, but not the conversation itself. However, if you are using VOIP technology (voice over internet protocol) your actual conversation is handled Nov 02, 2017 · As a general practice, most hospitals and health care providers keep patient medical records for 10 years. It gets complicated however, when you consider when that 10-year clock starts ticking. Is it 10 years from the last day of service, or from the death of the patient, or after the death of the provider? How Long Do Hospitals Keep Medical Nov 04, 2015 · The estimated cost to taxpayers of implementing the Bill is about £247m over the next 10 years, including storage of internet connection records and the new warrant approval regime. Feb 15, 2012 · ISPs can and often do keep records and logs of their customers' use of their systems. How detailed those logs might be, as well as how long they're kept, is anyone's guess. The ISPs and other service providers that can keep logs don't make public what is logged or for how long. The Internet Stopping Adults Facilitating the Exploitation of Today's Youth Act (SAFETY Act) of 2009 also known as H.R. 1076 and S.436 would require providers of "electronic communication or remote computing services" to "retain for a period of at least two years all records or other information pertaining to the identity of a user of a

Your ISP keeps logs of everything you do on the Internet, not just your search history. Your Internet activity will only be disclosed to appropriate parties (like law enforcement agencies, etc

2010-2-4 · As far as i know, they keep a track of what your doing all the time. For expample if your using virgin, and its been 3months, - they will keep a history of all the visited sites you have been to, if you then switch internet providers, for example sky, then virgin will not keep a track of what your doing, and how could they when you've changed providers.

how long does Blue Cross/ Blue Shield keep records of

These records can be used to trace an internet posting, website visit or an e-mail back to an ISP's customers. The records are useful to police tracking down child-porn providers, and music