For hosting domains: Plenty of organisation domains are now hosted by the cloud providers. For example, my employer is on Amazon Web Services and their name servers

For hosting domains: Plenty of organisation domains are now hosted by the cloud providers. For example, my employer is on Amazon Web Services and their name servers My Location Your Location As Seen From the Internet There are many ways to figure out where you are — your IP address, your wireless network connection, which cell tower your device is connected to, built-in GPS hardware. Dec 20, 2019 · DNS servers form an essential part of the internet as these servers match the name of the website you want to visit with the numeric (original) address of the website. Usually, your ISP provides you with the Domain Name Server (DNS). To check your primary and secondary (if assigned) DNS, press either “Win icon + R” or type CMD in the If your DNS traffic is being routed to a DC that is very far from your actual location and is causing a greater latency, it's possible you're using a remote-access VPN. Try your queries again while disconnected from the VPN to confirm this is the case.

Jun 28, 2019 · Here, nameserver is a name server IP address in what is called the dot notation – the format that applications on your workstation use for DNS routing. How to Find My Website DNS Server IP Address. 3. To find out a website DNS Server IP address, you can use the following dig command. $ dig Sample Output

DNS Propagation Check Provides free dns lookup service for checking domain name server records against a randomly selected list of DNS servers in different corners of the world. Find out when we release new features and tools For hosting domains: Plenty of organisation domains are now hosted by the cloud providers. For example, my employer is on Amazon Web Services and their name servers My Location Your Location As Seen From the Internet There are many ways to figure out where you are — your IP address, your wireless network connection, which cell tower your device is connected to, built-in GPS hardware.

The next very popular DNS Service on our list is “Level3”. It is considered as the best after Google and Open DNS service provider. In order to use this level3 DNS server, one should configure their Domain Name System settings to the following IP addresses. Favored DNS Server:; Exchange DNS Server:

Records are stored on servers and can be provided by the original server (the authoritative name server for ‘’), a slave server that the authoritative server allows to hold a copy of the record, or it can be served by a forwarding serv Since the work of assigning a location to every IP is very difficult, this is not a perfect science. Most of the georeferential work is done in two ways: the first is the automatical way and is performed by tracerouting ip addresses with particular regular expressions, the second way is done directly by the user, asking him where he actually is.