2019-4-12 · Oregon Trauma Center Application (1 st tab of the PRQ worksheet) EMS & TRAUMA Public Health 3 Write names of liaisons on this page. This page is not protected so you are able to insert rows if needed. If there is a designated alternate liaison, you would need to add this provider’s name. Ex. Orthopedics: Dr. Who/Alternate Dr. Seuss

• Coded trauma patient records for appropriate assignment of AIS, ICD-10-CM, and ICD-10-PCS codes • Report writing and report validation, including PRQ-specific reports • Coordination of Trauma verification is an independent benchmarking process that helps to improve the standard of care for trauma patients. A multidisciplinary team is invited to review a trauma service against international standards, identifying strengths and weaknesses and provides recommendations for potential further improvement. PRE-REVIEW QUESTIONNAIRE (PRQ) FOR PEDIATRIC ONLY TRAUMA CENTER APPLICATION Attach a copy of the PRQ sent to the American College of Surgeons. OVERVIEW OF THE STATE PEDIATRIC DESIGNATION PROCESS All hospitals actively participating in the New Hampshire Trauma System must receive a designated trauma level for both adult and pediatric capability. Title: Microsoft Word - 2019 TRAUMA SYSTEM - PRE REVIEW QUESTIONNAIRE 2019 .docx Author: em1ajohn Created Date: 1/16/2019 8:30:51 AM Place the trauma medical director’s job description as Attachment #4. Place a curriculum vitae (CV) for the trauma medical director as Attachment #5. Is the trauma medical director a board-certified or board-eligible general surgeon? Yes No Is the trauma medical director current in Advanced Trauma Life Support? Yes No

2012-5-23 · Trauma significantly impacts the lives of Hoosiers. Consider that injury — not cancer or any disease — is the leading cause of death for sta te citizens 1 to 34 years of age. More than 95,000 Hoosiers are hospitalized and more than 5,000 die from injuries each year.

Ohio Emergency Medical Services PRQ stands for Production Release Qualification (Intel). PRQ is defined as Production Release Qualification (Intel) very frequently. (trauma care; medicine) The trauma registry ( www.indianatrauma.org ) is the foundation component of the trauma system, providing the ability to monitor the system for efficiency and effectiveness, inclusive of local level use for improved patient care and outcomes. The Indiana Trauma Registry was implemented in 2007, with initial participation by the seven

Shepard One Staffing – SOS

2019-9-23 · 2. Trauma Medical Director 3. Trauma Program Manager 4. Trauma Registrar 5. Emergency Department Director 6. Anesthesiologist 7. Neurosurgeon (if applicable) 8. Orthopaedic Surgeon (if applicable) 9. ICU Director (if applicable) The working lunch is an opportunity to ask clarifying questions about the PRQ, chart and/or performance improvement Application Instruction Manual for Oregon Trauma Center