sudo apt-get update --fix-missing It is possible that even this command will throw "Hash sum mismatch" errors, because the issue can come from transient network content errors. If so, continue to re-run the above --fix-missing command until it completes successfully. For example, like: until sudo apt-get update --fix-missing; do echo trying

[Help/Support] Apt-get update command not found in 2019-10-24 [new更新] iOS13.3~iOS13.4 如何屏蔽越狱环境 让 … 2020-7-20 · 插件无法安装,可用共存版Cydia安装。直接在Sileo内搜索 Cydia install即可。 su root alpine //默认密码 apt-get update --fix-missing 欢迎各位小伙伴反馈其他问题,大家一起解决! 引用 回复 分享这篇帖子 链接到帖子 分享到其他站点 本站:1群号:499426033 2 Cydia - 越狱iOS的软件管理平台 - 简书

apt-get --reinstall install Update all available Cydia repositories. apt-get update. Erase downloaded archive files and free space on your device. apt-get clean. Perform an upgrade of installed packages. apt-get upgrade. Add, remove, or edit the list of Cydia …

2. Cydia - 越狱iOS的软件管理平台 - 简书 安装软件包管理工具apt-get 在Cydia中搜索 APT 0.6 Transitional并安装 在Cydia里安装APT 0.6 Transitional,要多尝试几次才会成功 apt-get update 【更新所有的源】 apt-get upgrade 【更新所有通过apt-get安装的程序】 apt-get install 删除依赖包,不删除配置

2015-8-19 · 备份Cydia源 和所有插件: 1:通过ssh 连接到手机 (建议使用winscp和putty,本来winscp也有终端,但是在最后一步恢复软件的时候终端会丢失链接,无法输入Y进行下一步,所以要用putty执行最后的apt get命令) 2 :输入以下命令备份CYDIA源文件: cp -p

2019-4-4 · apt-get update 【刷新所有的源,相当于获取最新的货品清单,刷新速度比cydia快而稳定,各位自己体验】 apt-get upgrade 【更新所有已安装包,到最新版本】 apt-get install 程序名 【安装该软件,如有依赖包,一并下载,安装前需要你输入y确认】 apt-get apt - How do I fix this "E: Type '*' is not known on line 2020-5-27 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 177 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.. Visit Stack Exchange ubuntu - How do you fix apt-get update "Hash Sum …